1. Call follower - OSRS Wiki
7 nov 2022 · The Call follower button is a feature that allows a player to call their follower with one click. The button is located in the Worn ...
The Call follower button is a feature that allows a player to call their follower with one click. The button is located in the Worn Equipment to the right of Items Kept on Death button.

2. Call follower - Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom
The Call follower button is a feature that allows a player to call his follower with one click. The button is located in the Worn Equipment tab at the leftmost.
The Call follower button is a feature that allows a player to call his follower with one click. The button is located in the Worn Equipment tab at the leftmost. A player is required to have a follower in order to use this feature, otherwise, a message saying "You do not have a follower" will appear.

3. Pet - OSRS Wiki
They can also be called to the player's side using the "Call follower" button under the Worn Equipment tab. There are currently 65 available pets in Old School ...
A pet is a non-combat NPC loyal to a player that is generally obtained from monster drops and skilling. Most pets are very rare drops from certain bosses or skilling activities and do not serve a purpose other than aesthetics. The player is able to interact with most pets, but they may only have one pet following them at a time. Pets are limited to a walking pace (except for Nexling and Babi); if they become stuck and/or too far away from the player they follow, they will teleport close to the player and continue. They can also be called to the player's side using the "Call follower" button under the Worn Equipment tab. There are currently 65 available pets in Old School RuneScape, of which 60 fill a collection log slot.

4. Follower details | RuneScape Wiki - Fandom
Call button, If a follower is restricted by obstacles, this button calls them to the players side. Dismiss button, If a follower is ...
The follower details interface displays information about a players currently summoned familiar or pet. The screen can be reached via the Summoning icon on the action bar. This screen is only available when a pet or familiar is actually in use.

5. OSRS Ratcatchers Quest - VirtGold
Alternatively, you can use the 'Call follower' option in the equipment tab to teleport your cat to you. rute part 3. Starting from tile A: When the west ...
Detailed guide to Ratcatchers quest in osrs

6. Plugin Hub - RuneLite
The Plugin Hub is a repository of plugins that are created and maintained by members of the community who are not officially affiliated with RuneLite.
The Plugin Hub is a repository of plugins that are created and maintained by members of the community who are not officially affiliated with RuneLite. These plugins are verified by RuneLite Developers to ensure they comply with Jagex's 3rd party client rules and are not malicious in some other way.

7. Help I've Lost My Cat - Topic - d2jsp Forums
11 apr 2022 · So I had a Cat in my bank and now it has disappeared. I've tried the call follower option and it says I have no followers.
8. Summoning - RuneScape Guide - RuneHQ
1 mei 2022 · OSRS · Quests · Minigames/Achievements · Miniquests · Treasure Trails ... Call Follower - Brings your familiar/pet next to you. Often used if ...
Summoning allows players to infuse the essence of a variety of creatures into Summoning pouches then summon these creatures, called familiars.
9. Client (RuneLite API API)
If you want to mutate these you MUST call the relevant cloneX method. ... Draws a menu in the OSRS interface style. Parameters: alpha - background ...
Adds a new chat message to the chatbox.